青蜩丸 2015 春
Genji-kō is an old game of scenting out the smells of five pieces of fragrant wood.
The player scenting the fragrances draws the result in a pattern and gives the answer by representing the obtained pattern by the name of one of the chapters of the Tale of Genji as shown in the "Genji-kō Patterns" below.
Genji-kō is one of the games of Kumiō (combing some incenses and telling the incenses used by smelling the combined fragrance). With Genji-kō, five kinds of fragrant woods are mixed into twenty-five packs composed of five packs each of five incenses, five packs are selected at random and burnt in sequence. The incense burner is passed among the players for five times. (In Japanese, act of smelling a fragrance is expressed as listening to a fragrance.)
Each player is given a sheet of paper on which five vertical lines representing each turn of incense burners are drawn. After listening to each incense, the player connects the tops of the vertical lines that the player finds to have the same incense. After five times of listening, the player answers the name of the obtained pattern by representing it with the name of one of the chapters of the Tale of Genji by referring to the "Genji-kō Patterns".
源氏香の図 / Genji-kō Patterns
Genji-kō is an old game of scenting out the smells of five pieces of fragrant wood.
The player scenting the fragrances draws the result in a pattern and gives the answer by representing the obtained pattern by the name of one of the chapters of the Tale of Genji as shown in the "Genji-kō Patterns" below.
Genji-kō is one of the games of Kumiō (combing some incenses and telling the incenses used by smelling the combined fragrance). With Genji-kō, five kinds of fragrant woods are mixed into twenty-five packs composed of five packs each of five incenses, five packs are selected at random and burnt in sequence. The incense burner is passed among the players for five times. (In Japanese, act of smelling a fragrance is expressed as listening to a fragrance.)
Each player is given a sheet of paper on which five vertical lines representing each turn of incense burners are drawn. After listening to each incense, the player connects the tops of the vertical lines that the player finds to have the same incense. After five times of listening, the player answers the name of the obtained pattern by representing it with the name of one of the chapters of the Tale of Genji by referring to the "Genji-kō Patterns".
源氏香の図 / Genji-kō Patterns

The Tale of Genji of Semimal
The Tale of Genji
The Tale of Genji is a novel composed of as many as 54 chapters, authored by Japanese noblewoman Murasaki Shikibu in 11th century, or the middle of the Heian period.
This novel is set in the magnificent Imperial Court and depicts the life of Hikaru Genji a smart, good-looking prince of Emperor Kiritsubo, focusing on his wild romances and struggles for position and power as well as the love stories of his descendants.
Covering all aspects of the Heian aristocracy including the views on love, social structures such as marriage, power, religion and lifestyles, this long novel also pictures the gorgeous lives in the Imperial Court and how women in those times led their lives.
Part I

尋ねゆく まぼろしもがな つてにても 魂のありかを そこと知るべく 桐壺帝
Chapter1Kiritsubo (Paulownia Court)
[Emperor Kiritsubo] Tazuneyuku / Maboroshi mogana / Tsute nite mo / Tamano arika o/ Soko to shirubeku
(I wish there were a wizard to search for my late Kōi, then I would be able to know where her spirit is.)
After losing his beloved Kiritsubo Kōi, Emperor Kiritsubo has been lost in grief even when hearing the sound of wind or singing of instincts.
Kiritsubo Kōi, mother of Genji, was loved deeply by Emperor though she was not of noble birth. Because of it, she excited jealousy of many women and died when Genji was just an infant.
The grief of Emperor Kiritsubo continues until he marries Fujitsubo, a lady who resembled Kōi.
Meanwhile, Genji heightens feelings for Lady Fujitsubo because of her resemblance to his late mother.

帚木の 心を知らで 園原の 道にあやなく 惑ひぬるかな 源氏
Chapter2Hahakigi (Broom Tree)
[Genji] Hahakigi no / Kokoro o shirade / Sonohara no / Michi ni ayanaku / Madoinuru kana
(Pursuing your heart like the broom tree that vanishes on approach, I am bewildered vainly on the road to Sonohara,)
One rainy night in early summer, a friend (Tō no Chujō) of Genji visits the night-duty room in the Court to see him. Before long, the topic of their chat moves on to the subject of women. Two other friends (Hidari no Uma no Kami and Tō no Shikibu no Jō) join them, and their talk comes down to the judgment and grading of women.
There are jealousy women, fickle-minded women and shy women – this is the famous "Discussion on a Rainy Night".

空蟬の 身をかへてける 木のもとに なほ人がらの なつかしきかな 源氏
空蟬の 羽におく露の 木がくれて しのびしのびに ぬるる袖かな 空蟬
Chapter3Utsusemi (Cicada Shell)
Following a fortune telling about bearing, Genji stays at the mansion of the Governor of Kii and spent a night with the young wife of the father of the Governor.
But, when he visits her in secrecy another day, he finds she has fled from her bedroom.
The only thing left there was her garment like a cicada’s shell, with some warmth of her body.
[Genji] Utsusemi no / Mi o kaetekeru / Ko no moto ni / Nao hitogara no /Natsukashiki kana
(Empty cicada, you have gone leaving your shell under the tree. Only the scent of this human husk makes me miss you so much.)
[Utsusemi] Utsusemi no /Ha ni oku tsuyu no /Kogakurete / Shinobi shinobi ni / Nururu sode kana
(Like dewdrops on the wings of empty cicada are invisible under the tree, my sleeves grow damp with my tears when I hid in secrecy.)

心あてに それかとぞ見る 白露の 光そへたる 夕顔の花 夕顔
Chapter4Yūgao (Evening Glory)
[Yūgao] Kokoroate ni / Sore ka to zo miru / Shiratsuyu no / Hikari soetaru /Yūgao no hana
(I guess you are that man. The flower of my evening glory flower gets more beautiful by the shine of white dew.)
[Genji] Yorite koso / Sore ka to mo mime / Tasogare ni /Honobono mitsuru /Hana no yūgao
(I want to get closer to see your face, the evening face of the flower I could see only vaguely in the dusk.)
Genji visited his nurse who fell ill and notices a white flower in the neighbour’s garden.
When he asks the name of the flower, the neighbour woman offers him flower of evening glory on a white fan.
The fan is unfit to the humble house. It has deep scent of the fragrance of the owner, and her poem is also graceful and well-polished.
Genji is strangely attracted by this shy, seemingly weak and rather slow-tempo woman called Yūgao.
On a morning, Genji who is unwilling to leave her invites her in an abandoned temple and passed a moment of love.
On the same night, Genji is suddenly woken up by a weird dream and finds that the body of Yūgao in his arm is getting colder and colder.

手に摘みて いつしかも見む 紫の 根にかよひける 野辺の若草 源氏
Chapter5Wakamurasaki (Young Gromwell)
[Genji] Te ni tsumite / Itsushika mo Min / Murasaki no / Neni kayoikeru / Nobe no wakakusa
(I would like to pluck soon the field plant, whose roots are connected to the roots of gromwell.)
In the spring at the age of 18 years, Genji visited Kitayama to have an incantation for his ill health and met a girl who looks perfectly like Lady Fujitsubo for whom he harbors a secret love.
The girl is actually a niece of Lady Fujitsubo. Genji hears that she lost her mother and is presently supported by a nun who is her grandmother.
Genji feels like growing her up to an ideal woman under his custody.

なつかしき 色ともなしに 何にこの 末摘花を 袖にふれけむ 源氏
Chapter6Suetsumuhana (Safflower)
[Genji] Natsukashiki / Iro to mo nashi ni / Nani ni kono / Suetsumuhana o /Sode ni furekemu
(This color is not the one I yearn for, but why do I bring my sleeve in contact with such a safflower?)
Hearing about the daughter of late Hitachi no Miya who lives alone in a dilapidated mansion, he is interested in her.
She is an old-fashioned princess living in an old mansion and like in old time.
Her nose was as rouge as the flower of suetsumuhana (safflower).

物思ふに 立ち舞ふべくも あらぬ身の 袖うちふりし 心知りきや 源氏
Chapter7Momiji no Ga (Excursion for Autumn Leaves)
[Genji] Mono omou ni / Tachimaubeku mo /Aranu mi no / Sode uchifurishi / Kokoro shiriki ya
(I was so mixed up that I could not think how to stand up and dance, but I shook my sleeves for you. Did you understand how my mind was at that time?)
In the beautiful season of autumn leaves, Emperor has an excursion to the Suzakuin palace.
Emperor Kiritsubo holds a music and dance meeting in the Imperial Court for Lady Fujitsubo who cannot accompany him due to pregnancy. Genji performed the Seigaiha dance for her.
As Genji dances with deep feelings of his loving Fujitsubo, his excellent performance is praised by the audience.

あづさ弓 いるさの山に まどふかな ほのみし月の 影や見ゆると 源氏
心いる 方ならませば 弓張の 月なき空に 迷はましやは 朧月夜の君
Chapter8Hana no En (Cherry Blossom Festival)
[Genji] Adzusa yumi / Irusa-no-yama ni / Madohu kana / Honomishi tsuki no / Kage ya miyuru to
(I am wandering to see again the moon I had an opportunity of viewing faintly)
[Oborodukiyo-no-Kimi] Kokoro iru / Kata nara mase ba / Yumihari no / tsuki naki sora ni / Mayoha mashi ya ha
(If you care for me, you will not be lost even under the sky without the crescent moon)
After the cherry blossom viewing festival in the Court, Genji creeps into the Kōkiden palace and meets with a woman who recites poem "There is nothing like a night with a hazy moon". He spent a night with her.
In the dawn, Genji left the palace hastily even without knowing her name but only exchanging fans with her. He later knew that she was Roku-no-kimi, who is a younger sister of the Lady Kokiden. She is going to be the spouse of the Crown Prince in this spring.

影をのみ 御手洗川の つれなきに 身のうきほどぞ いとど知らるる 六条御息所
Chapter9Aoi (Hollyhocks)
[Rokujō Miyasu-dokoro] Kage o nomi / -gawa no /tsurenaki ni /mi no uki hodo zo /itodo shiraruru
(Because of your coldness like the Mitarashi River that flows away even a shadow cast on it, I well understand how miserable I am.)
Widow of the late Crown Prince, Lady Rokujō Miyasu-dokoro is known for her beauty and talent. She is older than Genji but became his lover as a result of his ardent advances. However, she has recently been distressed by the cold behaviours of Genji towards her.
She goes out in secrecy to see the figure of Genji who attends a ceremony held in the Kamo shrine, but she is hurt deeply there because her retainers lose the race for holding a place for the car by those of Lady Aoi, who was the legal wife of Genji. Her car was broken by being pushed forcedly by the car of Lady Aoi that arrived after her car, and her identity was made public by this incident.
Since then, she gets ill and her mind begins to drift.

神垣は しるしの杉の なきものを いかにまがへて 折れる榊ぞ 六条御息所
Chapter10Sakaki (Sacred Tree)
[Rokujō Miyasu-dokoro] Kamigaki wa / Shirushi no sugi mo / Naki mono o / Ika ni magaete / Oreru sakaki zo
(The fence of the shrine does not have a signpost cedar tree, but what kind of mistake has made you visit this place?)
To forget Genji, Lady Rokujō Miyasu-dokoro decided to accompany the trip of her daughter who will visit the Ise shrine to become a vestal virgin princess.
To prepare for the visit to Ise, she moves to Nonomiya for purifying herself, but Genji visited her with a branch of the sacred sakaki tree.
She once refused him but, due to attachment to Genji, she eventually spend that night with him
This increased her anguish further.

橘の香を なつかしみ ほととぎす 花散る里を たづねてぞ訪ふ 源氏
Chapter11Hana Chiru Sato (Village with Orange Blossoms)
[Genji] Tachibana no / Ka o natsukashimi / Hototogisu / Hana chiru sato o / Tazunete zo tou
(In nostalgia for the scent of orange bloom that reminds the person I knew in the past, the cuckoo has come to the village where orange blossoms fall.)
Genji is tired of this world due to increasing troubles.
On a shiny day in the rainy season, Genji visited the house of Lady Reikeiden, a widow of late Emperor Kiritsubo.
The lady leads a secretive life with her younger sister Hanachirusato who is a lover of Genji. Genji and Reikeiden welcomed Genji unceremoniously and cherish the memories of late Emperor in the house surrounded by the scent of orange blossoms and songs of cuckoos.

ふる里を いづれの春か 行きて見ん 羨ましきは 帰る雁がね 源氏
Chapter12Suma (Land of Suma)
[Genji] Furusato o / Izure no haru ka / Yukite mimu / Urayamashiki wa / Kaeru karigane
(Not knowing in which spring I can return to my hometown, I envy the wild geese flying back home.)
After the demise of Emperor Kiritsubo, Genji meets with anger of Lady Kokiden, who is now the mother of the new emperor, and is placed in confinement at the land of Suma.
He left the capital Kyoto with a few squires after making farewells to his loved ones. The only distraction in the simple rustic life in Suma was exchanging letters with people in Kyoto.
While many people began to avoid contact with Genji, an old friend Tō no Chujō visited Suma secretly to see him.

明けぬ夜に やがて惑へる心には いづれを夢と わきて語らむ 明石の君
Chapter13Akashi (Land of Akashi)
[Akashi no Kimi] Akenu yo ni / Yagate madoeru / Kokoro ni wa / Izure o yume to / Wakite kataran
(Wandering in the darkness of endless night, how can I speak by distinguishing which is dream and which is reality?)
After a heavy storm lasted for days, the late emperor Kiritsubo appears in a dream of Genji and tells him to leave the land of Suma. On the next morning, Akashi Nyudo visited Genji with a boat, saying "I’ve come here because I was told to do so by a dream". Genji decided to move from Suma to Akashi where Nyudo lives.
In Akashi, Genji met the beautiful only daughter of Nyudo, named Akashi-no-kimi (Lady Akashi), who was not inferior in any way to Kyoto girls, Soon, Genji and her fell in love.

みをつくし 恋ふるしるしに ここまでも めぐり逢ひける 縁は深しな 源氏
Chapter14Miotsukushi (Channel Buoys)
[Genji] Mi o tsukushi / Kouru shirushi ni / Koko made mo / Meguriaikeru / En wa fukashi na
(My utterly devoted love allowed me to meet you in this place with channel buoys. I realize how deep and fateful our karma is.)
Genji is eventually called back to Kyoto.
Genji returns home with a lingering affection to Lady Akashi, who gives birth to a girl after the separation. As the emperor has changed and the clan of Genji has become prosperous again, he becomes too busy to visit Akashi.
One day, Lady Akashi visits the Sumiyoshi shrine and encounters a party of Genji by chance. But the gorgeousness of the party let her realise the status distinction between them. Discouraged, she returned home without offering prayers at the shrine.

尋ねても われこそは訪はめ 道もなく 深き蓬の もとの心を 源氏
Chapter15Yomogiu (Wormwood)
[Genji] Tazunete mo / Ware koso towame / Michi mo naku / Fukaki yomogi no / Moto no kokoro o
(I will plow my way through grasses to find the heart of Princess at the deep of wormwood without a track to follow.)
Daughter of late Hitachi-no-miya, Suetsumuhana lived in her mansion that is running down without anyone visiting her.
]When Genji passes by the mansion by chance, he recalls Suetsumuhana and meets her again. Impressed by her waiting for him patiently in the garden overrun by wormwood, he repents for the alienation and makes a pledge to take her under his wing forever.

逢坂の関や いかなる関なれば しげき嘆きの 中を分くらむ 空蟬
Chapter16Sekiya (Gatehouse)
[Utsusemi] Ausaka no / Seki ya ikanaru / Seki nare ba / Shigeki nageki no / Naka o wakuran
(The name of this gatehouse, Ausaka, is the homonym of "encounter", but why does it cause lament and separate people?)
Utsusemi has been sent to the eastern district with her husband who was assigned new work there.
At the Ausaka gatehouse on her way back to Kyoto after the term of office of her husband, she met by chance the gorgeous party of Genji who is going to visit the Ishiyama temple.
Genji feels nostalgia and sends her a letter. Reading it, Utsusemi reminds the old days and feels deep attachment to them.

Chapter17E-Awase (Picture Contest)
Ooomi Mairi-tamaite … onajiku ha gozen nite kono shobu sadamenu to notamai-tamamu
(Minister Genji comes to the court and is interested in the contest of pictures. He said, "The issue of this contest is better be decided in the presence of the Emperor".)
The daughter of Lady Rokujō Miyasu-dokoro for whom Genji acts as a guardian enters into the palace of Emperor Reizei and becomes Lady Umetsubo-no-nyōgo.
Emperor Reizei who is known to be a great amateur of pictorial art begins to be attracted by Umetsubo-no-nyōgo who is good at drawing pictures.
Emperor Reizei already has Kokiden-nyōgo as a concubine. Knowing the change of mind of the Emperor, her father who is a Gon-chunagon gathers famous painters to have them produce lavish pictures in order to attract the interest of the Emperor toward his daughter again. So Genji and his company also started to prepare their treasured paintings to compete with them.
The competition gets so heated that a great contest of pictures is held in the presence of the Emperor by participation of the most excellent competitors and judges of the time.

変わらじと 契しことを 頼みにて 松のひびきに 音を添へしかな 明石の君
ふる里に見し世の友を恋ひわびてさへづることを誰かわくらん 明石の君
Chapter18Matsukaze (Wind Blowing through Pines)
[Akashi-no-kimi] Kawaraji to / chigirishi koto o /Tanomi nite / Matsu no hibiki ni / Ne o soeshi kana
(Trusting in your promise, I have been waiting for you by adding by adding weeping music to the sighs of pine trees.)
[Akashi-no-kimi] Furusato ni / Mishi yo no tomo o / Koiwabite / Saedzuru koto o / Dareka wakuran
(Who would understand my heart from the sound of the harp I play with an ache for my native land?)
Urged by Genji, Lady Akashi secretly comes to Kyoto with her daughter and mother, and settles themselves in a house in Ōzeki.
The landscape of Ōzeki which resembles that of the Akashi-no-ura Sea arouses deep feelings to the mother and daughter who has left their home.
The winds blowing through the pine trees sound as if they accompany the harp she plays, and induces nostalgia to the life in Akashi.
Genji finds that the daughter born between him and Lady Akashi is much more lovely than expected and considers to take her in his palace.

入日さす 峰にたなびく 薄雲は もの思ふ袖に 色やまがへる 源氏
Chapter19Usugumo (Thin Cloud)
[Genji] Irihi sasu / Mine ni tanabiku / Usugumo wa / Mono omou sode ni / Iro ya magaeru
(The colour of the thin cloud drifting above the peak shined by the setting sun resembles the colour of the sleeves of the mourning wear I wear in grief.)
In the spring of a year with frequent extraordinary natural phenomena, Lady Fujitsubo passed away.
Grieving at the death of the lady he loves. Genji shuts himself in a chapel so as not to arouse suspicion of others, and spent the days weeping.
Though he feels his grief makes him almost blind, the view of the setting sun shining brightly on a mountain and a thin cloud in a dull colour floating near the peak hit his eyes keenly.

みしおりの つゆわすられぬ 朝顔の 花のさかりは 過ぎやしぬらん 源氏
秋果てて 霧の籬に むすぼほれ あるかなきかに うつる朝顔 朝顔の斎院
Chapter20Asagao (Morning Glory)
[Genji] Mishiori no / Tsuyu wasurarenu / Asagao no /Hana no sakari wa / Sugiyashinuran
(I can never forget you since I had an honour of seeing you in the bloom. Has that beautiful thing already gone?)
[Asagao-no-saiin] Aki hate te / Kiri no magaki ni / Musubōre / Aru ka naki ka ni / Utsuru asagao
(Like a morning glory flower remaining on a mist-moistened bamboo fence in the end of autumn, I am a fragile creature who is almost fading.)
After the demise of her father Prince Momozono, Lady Asagao retires from the post of priestess and moves to the mansion of her dead father. Genji, who has a long affection for the lady who is his cousin, often visits her mansion with an excuse of visiting his aunt who was sick, but the princess kept a distance from him.
Her cold treatment results only in increasing Genji‘s thoughts for her. One day, he sends her a poem together with the flower of morning glory in his garden, and a poem is returned from her.

日かげにも しるかりけめや をとめごが 天の羽袖に かけし心は 夕霧
Chapter21Otome (The Maiden)
[Yūgiri] Hikage ni mo / Shirukarikeme ya / Otomego ga / Ama no hasode ni /Kakeshi kokoro wa
(I wish you understand my heart clung on the maiden dancing with heavenly feathered sleeves.)
Genji’s son, Yūgiri has been heartbroken since the love with Kumoi-no-kari, his childhood sweetheart, was torn apart by her father. In one of the seasonal festivals in the same year, Yūgiri finds a girl (daughter of Koremitsu who served Genji) who assumed the maiden dancers for the festival and begins to love her.

恋わたる 身はそれなれど 玉鬘 いかなる筋を 尋ね来つらむ 源氏
Chapter22Tamakazura (Vine)
[Genji] Koiwataru / Mi wa sore naredo / Tamakazura / Ika naru suji o /Tazune kitsuran
(I am continuing to think of late I am continuing to think of late Yūgao, but what a lucky opportunity that her daughter happens to come to my house.)
The bereaved daughter of Yūgao, Tamakazura is living in Hizen together with her foster mother. However, as the local strong man tries to marry her by force, she runs to Kyoto. When she goes to Hase for praying for meeting her father, she by chance meets Ukon, who once was a maid to Yūgao and is presently working under Genji.
In this way, Tamakazura is received into Genji’s palace.

年月を まつにひかれて 経る人に 今日鶯の 初音きかせよ 明石の君
Chapter23Hatsune (Warbler's First Song)
[Akashi-no-kimi] Toshitsuki o / Matsu ni hikarete / Furu hito ni / Kyo uguisu no / Hatsune kikase yo
(Through long years and months, Mother has been waiting for her bush warbler’s growth. Today permit me to listen to the first song of the year.)
The first near year has come to Rokujo-in, which is Genji’s new palace
Composed of four houses representing the seasons, the splendid palace is almost like the paradise materialised in this world.
Genji visited the residents of his palace to say new year’s greetings.
Lady Akashi sends a new year’s gift and a letter to her daughter who lives separately from her.

花園の 胡蝶をさへや 下草に 秋まつ虫は うとく見るらむ 紫の上
胡蝶にも 誘われなまし 心ありて 八重山吹を へだてざりせば 秋好む中宮
Chapter24Kochō (Butterflies)
[Murasaki-no-ue] Hanazono no / Kochō o sae ya / Shitakusa ni / Aki matsu mushi wa / Utoku muru ran
(Like a cricket living in undergrowth, you who like autumn may not like even butterflies in the spring garden.)
[Aki-Konomu-Chūgū] Kochō ni mo / Sasoware namashi / Kokoro ari te / Yae Yamabuki o / Hetate zari se ba
(If the fence of double-kerria did not separate us, I would visit you on the invitation of butterflies.)
In the Spring House in Rokujō-in where Murasaki-no-ue lives, Genji held an elegant music meeting by floating a couple of imperial boats on the pond.
In the sutra recital by Lady Aki-Konomi-Chūgū on the next morning, Lady Murasaki-no-ue sent offerings carried by girls dressed up in clothing featuring birds and butterflies. The two ladies exchanged poems between them.

なく声も きこえぬ虫の 思ひだに 人の消つには 消ゆるものかは 蛍兵部卿宮
Chapter25Hotaru (Fireflies)
[Hotaru-Hyobukyo-no-Miya] Naku koe mo / Kikoenu mushi no / Omoi dani / Hito no ketsu ni wa / Kiyuru mono ka wa
(Even the glowing flame of voiceless fireflies cannot be extinguished, how can my burning hearts be extinguished?)
On a rainy night in early summer, Prince Hotaru-Hyobukyo-no-Miya is invited by Tamakazura he is longing for.
In the place of meeting of the two, Genji released a swarm of fireflies. Looking at the dazzling beauty of Tamakazura dimly illuminated in some moments, the love of the Prince grows stronger and stronger.

撫子の とこなつかしき 色を見ば もとの垣根を 人や尋ねむ 源氏
いかでこの舌疾さやめはべらむ 近江の君
Chapter26Tokonatsu (Perpetual Summer)
[Genji] Nadeshiko no / Toko natsukashiki / Iro o miba / Moto no kakine o / Hito ya tazunen
(If your father sees how beautiful you are, he will ask about your mother.)
[Ōmi-no-kimi] Ikade kono shitadosa yamehaberamu(How can I cure this fast mouth?)
Princess Tamakazura, who was received by Genji as his stepdaughter, is a very beautiful girl and has a high reputation among people...
Naidaijin (actually the biological father of Tamakazura) imitates Genji and finds a stepdaughter. However, Ōmi-no-kimi he received is unrefined in both appearance and action. Speaking so fast, she is far from a presence deserving to be a "princess of Naidaijin".

篝火に たち添ふ恋の 煙こそ 世には絶えせぬ ほのほなりけれ 源氏
行く方なき 空に消ちてよ 篝火の たよりにたぐふ 煙とならば 玉鬘
Chapter27Kagaribi (Flares)
[Genji] Kagaribi ni / Tachisou koi no / Keburi koso / Yo ni ha taesenu / Honoo narikere
(The smoke of love rising from the flares comes from my flame of love that never ceases.)
[Tamakazura] Yukue naki / Sora ni kechite yo / Kagaribi no / Tayori ni taguu / Keburi to naraba
(Please let it vanish aimlessly in the sky if you say it is just the smoke of flares.)
Hearing the bad reputation of the "princess of Naidaijin", Tamakazura’s confidence towards Genji has deepened further. On an evening with the moon in the sky, Genji visited Tamakazura and slept with his head on a koto.
Genji has come to love her, but the two remain in a strange relationship, being neither lovers nor a father and daughter.

さやうならむ人をこそ 同じくは見て明かし暮らさめ 夕霧
Chapter28Nowaki (Typhoon)
[Yūgiri] Sayounaramu hito koso onajiku wa mite Akashi kurasame
(I wish to have such a beautiful woman as my wife and live together day and night.)
On a day of unusually severe typhoon, Yūgiri visits the Rokujō-in palace to check the palace and happens to glimpse Lady Murasaki-no-ue. As he is strictly forbidden by Genji to see her, his heart was stolen at the instant he sees the beautiful lady for the first time.

うちきらし 朝ぐもりせし みゆきには さやかに空の 光やは見し 玉鬘
Chapter29Miyuki (Imperial Excursion)
[Tamakazura] Uchikirashi / Asagumori seshi / Miyuki ni wa / Sayaka ni sora no / Hikari ya wa mishi
(Because the excursion was under the cloudy morning sky on a snowy day, I could not see the light of the sky (Emperor) so clearly.)
On the day of Miyuki (Emperor’s excursion), Tamakazura goes out to see the gorgeous party and notices her father and suitors for the first time.
Among them, the beauty of Emperor Reizei was exceptional, which makes her reconsider work in the Imperial Court recommended by Genji. In her coming-of-age celebration ceremony, she meets Naidaijin, her biological father, for the first time.

おなじ野の 露にやつるる 藤袴 あはれはかけよ かごとばかりも 夕霧
Chapter30Fujibakama (Thoroughwort)
[Yūgiri] Onaji no no / Tsuyu ni yatsururu / Fujibakama / Aware wa kake yo / Kagoto bakari mo
(I am a thoroughwort in purple trousers wasted by the dew from the field. Please feel pity, even small, for the love of me who am from the same field as you.)
It is made public that Tamakazura is actually a daughter of Naidaijin and that she is going to court service,
Finding that Tamakazura who he used to think as an elder sister was actually of much distant relation, Yūgiri communicates his love to her by sending flowers of thoroughwort through the bottom of a bamboo blind.

今はとて 宿離れぬとも 馴れ来つる 真木の柱よ 我を忘るな 真木柱の君
Chapter31Makibashira (Cypress Pillar)
[Makibashira-no-kimi] Ima wa tote / Yado hanarenu tomo / Narekitsuru / Maki no hashira wa / Ware o wasuru na
(I will leave this house today but, cypress pillar to whom I am attached so deeply, please do not forget me.)
Unwillingly becoming a wife of General Higekuro, Tamakazura deplores her fate with people surrounding her, but the General begins preparation for receiving her in his mansion.
Makibashira, a daughter of the General has to leave the mansion and inserts her poem into a crack on one of its cypress pillars.

梅が枝に 来ゐる鶯や 春かけて はれ 春かけて 鳴けどもいまだや 雪は降りつつ
あはれ そこよしや 雪は降りつつ (催馬楽・梅が枝)
(梅の枝に来てとまっている鶯よ、冬から春にわたって、はれ春にわたって鳴いているけれども、いまだによ、雪は降り続いていてあはれ そこよしや 雪は降り続いていて、春はまだ浅いことだ)
Chapter32Mume ga E (Palm Tree Branch)
[Mume ga E, ancient vocal court music] Mume ga E ni / Kiiru uguisu ya / Haru kakete hare / Haru kakete / Nakedomo imada ya / Yuki wa furitsutsu / Aware soko yoshi ya / Yuki wa furitsutsu
(The bush warbler on a plum tree branch sings from the winter throughout the spring, but the snow is still falling continuously. Here is the pathos of things. The snow is still falling while the spring has just come.)
As the wedding and coming-of-age celebration ceremony of his daughter approach, Genji is busy for various preparations.
He ordered incenses to best experts and received custom-made ones.
One day, Hotaru-Hyobukyo-no-Miya visits Genji. Genji thinks of doing an incense competition.

春日さす 藤の裏葉の うらとけて 君し思はば 我も頼まむ 古歌より
Chapter33Fuji no Uraba (Wisteria Leaves)
[Old poem] Haruhi sasu / Fuji no uraba no / Ura tokete / Kimi shi omowaba / Ware mo tanoman
(If you love me with a sincere mind, I will open my mind and trust in you.)
Seeking reconciliation with Yūgiri, Naidaijin invites him for the wisteria viewing party held in his mansion.
Genji understands his intentions and send Yūgiri to him in well-considered clothing.
This led Yūgiri to marry Kumoi-on-Kari, a daughter of Naidaijin, in the seventh year since he fell in love with her.
Part II

小松原 末の齢に引かれてや 野辺の若菜も 年をつむべき 玉鬘
よそに見て折らぬなげきはしげれどもなごり恋しき花の夕かげ 柏木
Chapter34Wakana: Jō (Young Herbs I)
[Tamakazura] Komatsubara / Sue no yowai ni / Hikarete ya / Nobe no wakana mo / Toshi o tsumubeki
(With my little children, I come here for Near Year call wishing your prosperity and longevity like young pines as well as young herbs in the field drawn by them.)
[Kashiwagi] Yosoni mite / Oranu nageki wa / Shigeredomo / Nagori koishiki / Hana no Yūkage
(It is so distressing that I cannot pick up the flower I saw across the fence, and my love for that flower I saw on an evening lasts for good.)
On the New Year when Genji becomes 40 years of age, Tamakazura gave him young herbs for celebration.
In the spring of the same year, Genji married Princess Onna-san-no-miya, the unmarried third daughter of the Retired Emperor Suzakuin who is going to become a priest.
As the princess is childish in every aspect, Genji realised how excellent Lady Murasaki-no-ue, but her heart begins to break gradually.
When Lady Onna-san-no-miya watched a football game in the Rokujoin Palace, her cat slipped away through the bottom of a bamboo blind and, following the cat, she happened to be seen by Kashiwagi.
This caused Kashiwagi, who loved her since before, to deepen the feeling towards her deeper than ever.

恋ひわぶる 人の形見と 手馴らせば なれよ何とて なく音なるらん 柏木
Chapter35Wakana: Ge (Young Herbs II)
[Kashiwagi] Kohi waburu / Hito no katami to Tenarase ba/ Nare yo nani tote / Naku ne naru ran
(I treat you with affection but why do you meow in this way?)
Unable to forget Onna-san-no-miya, Kashiwagi takes in her black cat by overcoming hardships, and cherishes it in place of her.
Lady Murasaki-no-ue has a serious illness so Genji stayed with her the whole time. Looking at this, Kashiwagi feels his longing after Lady Onna-san-no-miya deepens further.
Finally, Kashiwagi steals in her room and fulfilled his wishes. As a result, Lady Onna-san-no-miya gets pregnant.
This is later noticed by Genji.

行く方なき 空の煙と なりぬとも 思ふあたりを 立ちは離れじ 柏木
Chapter36Kashiwagi (Oak Tree)
[Kashiwagi] Yukue naki / Sora no keburi to / narinu tomo / Omou Atari o / Tachi wa hanareji
(Even if I became smoke drifting in the sky, I would never leave you, my love.)
Knowing that the affair with Lady Onna-san-no-miya is known by Genji, Kashiwagi fell ill by worries and becomes unable to leave his bed.
Lady Onna-san-no-miya gives birth to a boy (Kaoru) but, heartbroken by the cold attitude of Genji, she enters a nunnery.
Hearing the news, Kashiwagi took a critical turn and eventually deceased.

横笛の 調べはことに 変わららぬを むなしくなりし 音こそつきせね 夕霧
Chapter37Yokobue (Flute)
[Yūgiri] Yokobue no / Shirabe wa kotoni / Kawaranu o / Munashiku narishi / Ne koso tsukisene
(The tone played by the departed will be handed down forever because the sound of flute does not change.)
Yūgiri, the best friend of Kashiwagi frequently inquires after Lady Ochiba-no-miya who is his window, by following the wishes left by the departed friend.
On the night after he received the flute of Kashiwagi as a return present from the mother of Lady Ochiba-no-miya, Kashiwagi appeared in his dream telling that he has an intention to present the flute to a person other than Yūgiri...
Yūgiri consulted Genji about the dream; Genji proposed to him that Genji keep the flute in custody.

大方の 秋をば憂しと 知りにしを ふり棄てがたし 鈴虫の声 女三の宮
雲の上を かけはなれたる 住みかにも もの忘れせぬ 秋の夜の月 冷泉院
Chapter38Suzumushi (Bell Cricket)
[Onna-san-no-miya] Ōkata no / Aki o ba ushi to /Shiri nishi o / Furisute gataki / Suzumushi no koe
(Though I know that the autumn is mostly a bitter season, the songs of bell crickets make me realise that I should not give up on the autumn so easily.)
[Retired Emperor Reizei] Kumo no ue o / Kakehanaretaru / Sumika nimo / Monowasure senu / Aki no yo no tsuki
(Even after having retired from the post of Emperor, the autumn moon does not forget to illuminate my palace.)
When Genji is playing the koto in the room of Lady Onna-san-no-miya who left it for entering a nunnery, Prince Hotaru-Hyobukyo-no-Miya and Yūgiri visit him so they start a concert party. About the time the party grows livelier, the Retired Emperor Reizei invited them so they went to his palace and continued the party with of poems and music.
The Retired Emperor Reizei is very glad to meet Genji, his biological father, casually for this was impossible when he was the emperor.
● 弐千円札
● Japanese 2,000-yen note
Retired Emperor Reizei in the seat of honour on the left, with Genji on the right.
Retired Emperor Reizei was a son between Emperor Kiritsubo, father of Genji, and his Consort Fujitsubo, so he is regarded as a paternal half-brother of Genji.
However, he was actually a son of Genji who fell in love with Lady Fujitsubo.
As years passed. Reizei came to know the fact but was unable to see his biological father considering his position as the Emperor.
It was only after he retired and became a Retired Emperor that he became able to see Genji privately.
This is a dramatic, ardent scene of a face-to-face encounter between father and his son that is not known by anyone and that should not be known by anyone.

山里の あはれを添ふる 夕霧に たち出でん空も なき心地して 夕霧
Chapter39Yūgiri (Evening Mist)
[Yūgiri] Yamazato no / Aware o souru / Yūgiri ni / Tachiiden sora mo /Naki kokochi site
(In the evening mist deepening the pathetic mood of this mountain village, I do not know in which direction to set off.)
Visiting the Lady Ochiba-no-miya frequently after the death of her husband Kashiwagi, Yūgiri’s love for her deepens more and more.
Mother of the widow, Ichijo-no-miyasudokoro gets anxious about Yūgiri’s state and wrote a letter to him, but the letter is hidden by Kumoi-no-kari who is the Yūgiri’s wife. Because Ichijo-no-miyasudokoro cannot receive the reply from Yūgiri, she was disappointed to death.
The death of the mother of Lady Ochiba-no-miya increased the resistance, but Yūgiri managed to marry her eventually.

絶えぬべき 御法ながらぞ 頼まるる 世々にと結ぶ 中の契りを 紫の上
Chapter40Minori (The Law)
[Murasaki-no-ue] Taenubeki / Minori nagara zo / Tanomaruru / Yoyo ni to musubu / Naka no chigiri o
(This is the last religious service, but the eternal Buddhist law will allow me to meet you by the tie that binds us throughout the past, present and future.)
Since the serious ill, Lady Murasaki-no-ue is in a poor health condition, but her wish to become a nun is not permitted by Genji.
A Buddhist rite is held by the request from Lady Murasaki-no-ue. It becomes a magnificent event thanks to the gifts and offerings from many people including the Emperor, Yūgiri, Crown Prince and his ladies.
Finally, Lady Murasaki-no-ue who is loved by many persons passed away quietly like the mist disappears with attendance of Genji and Empress Akashi on her deathbed.

大空を かよふまぼろし 夢にだに 見えこぬ魂の 行く方たづねよ 源氏
Chapter41Maboroshi (Wizard)
[Genji] Ōzora o / Kayou maboroshi / Yume ni da ni / Miekonu tama no / Yukue tazuneyo
(Oh. wizard travelling the skies, find the spirit that does not appear even in my dreams.)
After losing Murasaki-no-ue, Genji cannot stand shedding tears in any event that reminds him of her, in the spring, in the summer, upon viewing flowers or viewing fireflies. His grief seems never to be cured.
Finally, Genji decided to realise his old wish of becoming a priest and he begins preparation for renouncing the world.
第三部 宇治十帖
Part III Uji Chapters

Chapter42Niō-no-Miya (Perfumed Prince)
Kaku ayashiki made hito no togamuru kō ni shimitamaeru o, Hyobukyo-no-miya nam tagoto yori idomashiku omoite, sore wa waza to yorozu no suguretaru utsushi o shimetamai….
(The General has a fragrance that mysteriously stimulates the senses of people. This generated competitive energy of the Prince, who does not want to be inferior in any way to others and tried all kinds of excellent incenses…)
Now that the time has passed, the only noblemen who remind the presence of Genji were Prince Niō-no-miya, the third son of the current Emperor and Kaoru, the son of Lady Onna-san-no-miya...
Kaoru has a fragrance by birth and Prince Niō-no-miya is especially attentive to incense as if he tries to compete with him. Now people make a fuss over them, calling them "The Perfumed Highness and the Fragrant General".

心ありて 風の匂わす 園の梅に まづ鶯の 訪はずやあるべき 按察使大納言
花の香に 誘はれぬべき 身なりせば 風のたよりを 過ぐさましやは 匂宮
Chapter43Kōbai (Red Plum)
[Azechi Dainagon] Kokoro arite / Kaze no niowasu / Sono no ume ni / Mazu uguisu no /Towazu ya arubeki
(How could the bush warblers not visit the garden plums that have minds and transmit smell on the wind?)
[Prince Niō-no-miya] Hana no ka ni / Sasowarenubeki / Mi nariseba / Kaze no tayori o / Sugusamasshi ya wa
(I am a kind of man who is immediately tempted by the scent of flowers so how could I let pass the message borne on the wind?)
Azechi Dainagon has three daughters, including two borne between him and the previous wife and Miya-no-okata who is the child by a former marriage of the current wife.
He plans to let the elder sister enter the Imperial Court as the wife of the Crown Prince and the younger sister marry to Prince Niō-no-miya, younger brother of the Crown Prince. He sends a message poem asking marriage to Prince Niō-no-miya together with red plum blossoms, but the prince is charmed more by Miya-no-okata.

竹河の 橋のつめなるや 橋のつめなるや 花園に 我をば放てや 少女めざしたぐへて(催馬楽・竹河)
Chapter44Takekawa (Bamboo River)
[Takeuchi, ancient vocal court music] Takekawa no / Hashi no tsume naru ya /Hashi no tsume naru ya / Hanazono ni hare / Hanazono ni / Ware o ba hanate ya / Ware o ba hanate ya / Mezashi taguete
(Please let me play in the flower garden by the bridge of the Bamboo River, together with you.)
Tamakazura has three sons and two daughters between General Higekuro. The beautiful daughters attracted many suitors, which caused worries of Tamakazura. Kaoru adores Tamakazura as if she is his sister, and has also a good reputation in the mansion of Tamakazura.
In March when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, the daughters played the game of go by betting cherty flowers in the garden.

橋姫の 心を汲みて 高瀬さす 棹のしづくに 袖ぞ濡れぬる 薫
Chapter45Hashihime (Princesses of Bridge)
[Kaoru] Hashihime no / Kokoro o kumite / Takase sasu / Sao no shizuku ni / Sode zo nurenuru
(Considering the minds of the daughters, my sleeves are wet with tears just like the sleeves of the boat rower getting drenched by the drops from the pole.)
Recently, Kaoru often visits Prince Hachinomiya, a younger brother of Genji leading a secluded life in a mountain cottage in Uji, to talk about the Buddhism.
Prince Hachinomiya lives with two beautiful daughters, Ōikimi and Nakanokimi.
Kaoru begins to take a fancy to Ōikimi, and Niō-no-miya who heard about the sisters in Uji from Kaoru takes interest in them.

立ち寄らむ 蔭とたのみし 椎が本 むなしき床に なりにけるかな 薫
Chapter46 Shī ga Moto (At the Foot of Lithocarpus Tree)
[Kaoru] Tachiyoran / Kage to tanomishi / Shī ga moto / Munashiki toko ni / Narini keru kana
(The Prince I relied on as my teacher of Buddhist Law is gone and the altar room left behind has become just an empty floor.)
Prince Hachinomiya deceased after entrusting the future of his daughters to Kaoru.
The sorrow and loneliness of the sisters are enhanced much more for they are left in a distant mountainous area of Uji.
Kaoru keeps on thinking of the late Hachinomiya but he also confesses his love to Ōikimi. Meanwhile, Niō-no-miya pesters him to introduce Niō-no-miya to Nakanokimi.

あげまきに 長き契りを むすびこめ おなじ所に よりもあはなむ 薫
ぬきもあへず もろき涙の 玉の緒に 長き契りを いかがむすばん 大君
Chapter47Agemaki (Trefoil Knot)
[Kaoru] Agemaki ni / Nagaki Chigiri o / Musubi kome / Onaji tokoro ni / Yorimo awanan
(I wish you and me become together by twining vows into a long-lasting, tight trefoil knot.)
[Ōikimi] Nuki mo aezu / Moroki namida no / Tama no o ni / Nagaki chigiri o / Ikaga musuban
(Life is like fragile teardrops that are scattered without being able to be kept, so how could we exchange vows that lasts forever?)
Kaoru proposed to Ōikimi, but she recommends him to marry Nakanokimi.
Nevertheless, Kaoru mediated the association between Niō-no-miya and Nakanokimi as pestered by him since before, which made Ōikimi blames on Kaoru.
Because of his high position, however, Niō-no-miya cannot find an opportunity to visit Uji easily. In addition, the two sisters were also disappointed considerably knowing that the plan to marry him to another woman is in progress in Kyoto.
Soon, Ōikimi grows feeble and finally deceased. This caused deep sorrow of Kaoru.

この春は たれにか見せなむ 亡き人の 形見につめる 峰の早蕨 中の君
Chapter48Sawarabi (Bracken Shoots)
[Nakanokimi] Kono haru wa / Tare nika misenan / Naki hito no / Katami ni tsumeru / Mine no sawarabi
(As even my sister is gone, in this spring I have nobody to show the bracket shoots you brought to me as a kind present reminding of my father.)
In the first spring after the death of her sister Ōikimi, Nakanokimi who is sunk in sorrow receives a gift containing bracket and horsetail shoots from a high priest living in the mountain.
Getting skinnier than before, she now resembles the late Ōikimi. This shifts Kaoru’s love gradually to Nakanokimi.
Kaoru assists Niō-no-miya welcoming Nakanokimi in Kyoto, but at the same time regretted that he conceded her to Niō-no-miya.

よそへてぞ 見るべかりける 白露の 契りかおきし 朝顔の花 薫
Chapter49Yadorigi (Mistletoe)
[Kaoru] Yosohe te zo / Miru bekari keru / Shira-tsuyu no / Chigiri ka oki shi / Asagao no hana
(I should have treated the morning glory (Nakanokimi) promised for me by the morning dew (Ōikimi) as the keepsake from the departed.)
Emperor plans to marry Kaoru to the second princess, while Yūgiri plans to marry Niō-no-miya to his sixth daughter.
Consoling Nakanokimi who is grieving over the marriage of Niō-no-miya and the sixth princess, Kaoru sees the vision of the late Ōikimi he loved overlapped on her sister Nakanokimi, and confesses his love to her.
Kaoru has to give up on her because she was pregnant. However, Niō-no-miya suspects Nakanokimi because of the scent of Kaoru lingered on her.

形見ぞと 見るにつけては 朝露の 所せきまで ぬるる袖かな 薫
Chapter50Azumaya (Eastern Cottage)
[Kaoru] Katami zo to / Miru ni tsukete wa / Asatsuyu no / Tokoroseki made / Nururu sode kana
(As I walk thinking that she is the memento of Ōikimi, the sleeve of mine is drenched by the mist of the river and my tears.)
Hearing Nakanokimi talking about her half-sister Ukifune who looks quite like Ōikimi, he begins to take interest in her.
However, as Ukifune was noticed by Niō-no-miya in the house of Nakanokimi, people decided to let her hide in a small cottage. Kaoru visits Ukifune in the cottage and takes her to Uji.

年経とも かはらむものか 橘の 小島のさきに 契る心は 匂宮
橘の色は かはらじを この浮舟ぞ ゆくへ知られぬ 浮舟
Chapter51Ukifune (Drifting Boat)
[Niō-no-miya] Toshi hete mo / Kawaran monoka / Tachibana no / Kojima no saki ni / Chigiru kokoro wa
(I swear upon this islet of orange trees that my mind to promise your future will never change.)
[Ukifune] Tachibana no / Iro wa kawaraji o / Kono Ukifune zo / Yukue shirarenu
(The colour of orange does not change, but I don’t know where a flowing boat (ukifune) like me drifts to.)
Niō-no-miya comes to know that Ukifune has become a lover to Kaoru and living in Uji. So he entered the cottage in Uji by disguising himself as Kaoru and made Ukifune his lover. He then takes Ukifune to an islet on a boat and vows eternal love to her.
Torn between Niō-no-miya and Kaoru, Ukifune is so anguished that she wants to be vanished.

ありと見て 手にはとられず 見ればまた 行く方もしらず 消えし蜻蛉 薫
Chapter52Kagerō (Ephemera)
[Kaoru] Ari to mite / Te niwa torarezu / Mireba mata / Yukue mo shirazu / Kieshi kagerō
(Oh, ephemera, you seemed to be here but cannot be caught by hand. You then reappear but immediately fade out to somewhere I don’t know.)
Kaoru mourns for Ukifune hearing the news that she committed suicide by jumping into the water. However, looking at Niō-no-miya also grieving just like him, Kaoru gets convinced that Niō-no-miya had a relation with Ukifune.
Charmed by the noble beauty of Princess Onna-ichino-miya and watching the decline of the daughter of late Prince Shikibukyo-no-Miya Kaoru realises the sorrowful fate of women and reminds of the sisters of Uji.

亡きものに 身をも人をも 思ひつつ 棄ててし世をぞ さらに棄てつる 浮舟
Chapter53Tenarai (Writing Practice)
[Ukifune] Naki mono ni / Mi o mo hito o mo / Omoitsutsu / Suteshi yo o zo / Sarani sute tsuru
(I once abandoned this world thinking that I and other people are vanished, but I abandoned it again by entering the nunnery.)
Ukifune is saved near the Uji-in Temple by priest called Yokawa-no-sōzu. The priest takes her to a nun who is his sister and left her in care of the nun. Ukifune settles in a hermitage called Ono-no-iori and spent the days by doling writing practice, without speaking a word.
One day, a relative of the nun made a proposal of marriage to her, which makes the people around her very glad.
However, all Ukifune did is deplore misfortune of herself. She is not unable to feel a peace of mind until she herself becomes a nun.

世の中は 夢の渡りの 浮橋か うち渡りつつ 物をこそおもへ 古歌より
Chapter54Yume no Ukihashi (Floating Bridge of Dreams)
[Ancient poem] Yononaka wa / Yume no watari no / Ukihashi ka / Uchiwatari tsutsu / Mono o koso omoe
(The life in this world may be like going over a floating bridge in a dream. I am also crossing the bridge with perpetual worries and troubles.)
Kaoru is informed that Ukifune he thought dead was saved by priest Yokawa-no-sōzu and that she is staying in Ono as a nun.
With a wish to meet her, Kaoru asked Kogimi, her brother, to hand her a letter.
Ukifune still loves Kaoru actually but, saying that she is taken for somebody else, she refused to see Kogimi nor receive the letter obstinately.
It is the strong will that Ukifune, who has been drifting for a so long time, selects finally by herself.